Integrate DataDog with nOps Platform For Essentials Rightsizing
nOps is a powerful cloud management platform designed to optimize resource usage and cost. By integrating Datadog with nOps, users can unlock advanced rightsizing capabilities for both EC2 instances and Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs). This integration leverages real-time monitoring and analytics to provide precise recommendations tailored to your cloud environment.
Why Integrate Datadog with nOps?
Essentials EC2 Rightsizing:
- Gain actionable insights into EC2 instance utilization. The integration helps identify over-provisioned or underutilized instances based on CPU, memory, disk, and network metrics, ensuring optimal instance selection and significant cost savings.
Essentials ASG Rightsizing:
- Optimize Auto Scaling Groups by analyzing workload patterns and scaling configurations. This helps ensure your ASGs dynamically adjust to demand while avoiding over-scaling or resource wastage.
Comprehensive Monitoring:
- Leverage Datadog’s detailed monitoring data to enable nOps to make accurate and real-time recommendations for both EC2 and ASG resources.
Steps Datadog Integration in nOps
Create API Keys
Navigate to Organization settings in the DataDog dashboard, then click the API keys.
Click the New Key button, depending on which you’re creating.
Enter a name for your key. i.e., "API key for nOps"
Click Create API key.
Save API Key (not the Key ID) somewhere safe to use in nOps in the next phase of the document.
Create Application Keys
Navigate to Organization settings in the DataDog dashboard, then click the Application keys.
Click the New Key button, depending on which you’re creating.
Enter a name for your key. I.e., “Application key for nOps ”
Click Create Application key.
Save Key (not the Key ID) somewhere safe to use in nOps in the next phase of the document.
DataDog Site Parameter
Copy the site parameter from the following table or webpage by matching your datadog dashboard URL, that you use to login. You can read more about it here.
Steps on nOps side
Login to your nOps Client Dashboard
Go to the top-right corner to menu and select Organization Settings.
Go to Integrations from the left-hand sidebar, choose Essentials tab and select Rightsizing.
Click on DataDog Integration panel.
Fill in the API Key, App Key, and DataDog Site captured from previous step and click Save
noteIf the instance ID is missing in DataDog. Please make sure that DataDog can identify instance_ids for your instances. You can check it here If that is not the case, try the following:
Adding this line to your DataDog agent configuration file:
ec2_prefer_imdsv2: true
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