Cloudwatch Agent Configuration On your Linux based EC2
How to Install Amazon CloudWatch Agent on an EC2 Instance for Enhanced Rightsizing Recommendations
How to Install Amazon CloudWatch Agent on an EC2 Instance for Enhanced Rightsizing Recommendations
Installing the Datadog Agent for Enhanced Rightsizing Recommendation on the nOps Platform
What is Essentials Storage for EBS volume migration GP2 to GP3 type?
It’s easy for cloud costs to get out of control without the right processes and tools. nOps Essentials makes it easy to tackle time-consuming cost optimization tasks. Automatically schedule resources, stop idle instances, optimize storage, rightsize resources, and more.
How to Get the Most Out of the Essentials Summary Page?
Reduce your cloud cost by cleaning up your Idle EBS Volumes
Configuring KMS Key Permissions for nOps Essentials
In the realm of AWS management, the accumulation of unused EC2 instances can lead to unnecessary costs for businesses. Whether remnants of past migrations, misconfigurations, or abandoned projects, these idle instances draining resources without adding value. However, nOps Essentials is introducing a game-changing feature to tackle this issue head-on. Now, users can halt idle EC2 instances with a single click, allowing you to instantly reduce costs while retaining operational flexibility to roll back if needed. Stopping idle instances is one of the most effective cloud optimization strategies — for every dollar spent on an instance, you save two dollars in corollary charges such as storage, network and database fees.
What is nOps Scheduler?
Guide to Using Snapshot Optimization in nOps Essentials
What is nOps Essentials Scheduler?