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Interruption scores for specific Spot instances.



Returns the Spot interruption score for a specific EC2 instance type in a given availability zone. The score ranges from 0 to 1 with 0 being the lowest risk and 1 being the highest risk of interruption in the next hour.


Query Parameters

    instance_type Instance Typerequired

    The EC2 instance type to get the interruption score for.

    Example: m5.large
    availability_zone_id Availability Zone Idrequired

    The ID of the availability zone to get the interruption score for.

    Example: afs1-az1


The Spot interruption score for the specified EC2 instance type.


    last_updated Last Updated (string)required
    instance_type Instance Type (string)required
    availability_zone_id Availability Zone Id (string)required
    interruption_score Interruption Score (number)required