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IAM permissions for the nOps platform

nOps requires safe, secure, and AWS-approved cross account access to your AWS accounts in order to give you the analysis, dashboards, and reports that you need. We only see what you want us to see in order to provide our services, no more, and we need you to give us permission first.

For AWS Payer/Management Account and AWS Linked accounts, nOps uses the following policies:

  1. AWS managed ReadOnlyAccess policy, which is completely managed by AWS and is updated periodically as AWS adds new services.
  2. Since the AWS managed ReadOnlyAccess policy contains some read access to sensitive data, nOps uses an explicit deny list which can be easily update for your own security requires. – Explicit Deny List
  3. Lastly, few other policies that are necessary to create the Cost and Usage Report for Cost Visibility, Well-Architected Review and placeholders to support automating the setup for nOps Commitment Management Program. CUR, S3, Well-Architected, EventBridge, and Organization

IAM Policy JSONPolicy – JSON

What? Why? and How Much?

The following tables describe each permission within the IAM policy:

  • First column: Permission name.
  • Second column: What the permission is?
  • Third column: Why the permission is important for nOps?
  • Forth column: What kind of access the permission gives to nOps?What? Why? and How Much?The following tables describe each permission within the IAM policy:
    • First column: Permission name.
    • Second column: What the permission is?
    • Third column: Why the permission is important for nOps?
    • Forth column: What kind of access the permission gives to nOps?
CUR WhatWhyAccess (Full: Read, Limited: Write)
DescribeReportDefinitionsLists the AWS Cost and Usage Report available to this account.Used for creating reports in billing bucket setup.Read: All resource
PutReportDefinitionCreates a new report using the description that you provide.Used for creating reports in billing bucket setup.Write: All resource
EventBridgeWhatWhyAccess(Limited: Write)
CreateEventBusCreates a new event bus within your account.Allows nOps to create EventBridge integrations for automation. Required for the Commitment Management program.Write: All resources
S3WhatWhyAccess (Limited: Read)
HeadBucketAllows you to determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it.This permission allows nOps to see if the bucket for CUR already exists or do we need need to create one.Read
HeadObjectThe HEAD action retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itselfThis permission allows nOps to only see the metadata of a bucket without allowing nOps to see the bucket’s contents.Read
SupportWhatWhyAccess (Limited: Read)
DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesReturns the refresh status of the AWS Trusted Advisor checks that have the specified check IDs.Not used anymore.Read: All resources
DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultReturns the results of the AWS Trusted Advisor check that has the specified check ID.Not used anymore.Read: All resources
DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksReturns information about all available AWS Trusted Advisor checks, including the name, ID, category, description, and metadata.Not used anymore.Read: All resources
Well-ArchitectedWhatWhyAccess (Full access)
wellarchitectedGives full access to Well-Architected.nOps provides a full functionality dedicated for wellarchitected compliances and it requires full access of this component for managing cloud workloads.Full access

Explicit Deny

The following is the list of services for which nOps explicitly denies the permission:

ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) What
acm-pca:DescribeDenies all Describe permissions in ACM-PCA.
acm-pca:GetDenies all Get permissions in ACM-PCA.
acm-pca:ListDenies all List permissions in ACM-PCA.
acm:DescribeDenies all Describe permissions in ACM.
acm:GetDenies all Get permissions in ACM.
acm:ListDenies all List permissions in ACM.
API GatewayWhat
GETDenies all Get permission for API Gateway.
GetConfigurationDenies the permission to view details about a configuration.
DescribeConnectorDenies the permission to describe a connector registered in Amazon AppFlow.
ListConnectorDenies the permission to list connectors supported in Amazon AppFlow.
DescribeDirectoryConfigsDenies the permission to retrieve a list that describes one or more specified Directory Config objects for AppStream 2.0.
DescribeUsersDenies the permission to retrieve a list that describes one or more specified users in the user pool.
DescribeSessionsDenies the permission to retrieve a list that describes the streaming sessions for a specified stack and fleet.
GetDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
ListDenies the permission to list resources in this service.
GetDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
ListDenies the permission to list resources in this service.
GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyDenies the permission to get backup vault access policy.
Cassandra (Keyspaces)What
SelectDenies the permission to SELECT data from table.
DescribeDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
GetDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
ListDenies the permission to list resources in this service.
DescribeDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
GetDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
ListDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
Cloud DirectoryWhat
GetDenies the permission to read resources in this service.
ListDenies the permission to list resources in this service.
GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityDenies the permission to get the information about a cloud front origin access identity.
GetFieldLevelEncryptionDenies the permission to get the field-level encryption configuration information.
GetKeyGroupConfigDenies the permission to get a key group configuration.
GetMetricDataDenies the permission to retrieve batch amounts of CloudWatch metric data and perform metric math on retrieved data.
GetMetricStreamDenies the permission to return the details of a CloudWatch metric stream.
ListMetricStreamsDenies the permission to return a list of all CloudWatch metric streams in your account.
GetAuthorizationTokenDenies the permission to generate a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in a domain.
ReadFromRepositoryDenies the permission to return package assets and metadata from a repository endpoint.
BatchGetDenies the permission to all BatchGet permissions.
ListSourceCredentialsDenies the permission to return a list of SourceCredentialsInfo objects.
BatchGetDenies the permission to all BatchGet permissions.
GetDenies the permission to Get permissions.
GitPullDenies the permission to pull information from an AWS CodeCommit repository to a local repo.
BatchGetDenies the permission to all BatchGet permissions.
GetDenies the permission to Get permissions.
DescribeUserProfileDenies the permission to describe a user in AWS CodeStar and the user attributes across all projects.
ListUserProfilesDenies the permission to list user profiles in AWS CodeStar.
cognito-identity (Cognito Identity)Denies the permission to access any resources in this service.
cognito-idp (Cognito User Pools)Denies the permission to access any resources in this service.
cognito-sync (Cognito Sync)Denies the permission to access any resources in this service.
DescribeDenies the permission to Describe resources.
ListDenies the permission to List resources.
BatchGetAggregateResourceConfigDenies the permission to return the current configuration items for resources that are present in your AWS Config aggregator.
BatchGetResourceConfigDenies the permission to return the current configuration for one or more requested resources.
SelectAggregateResourceConfigDenies the permission to accept a structured query language (SQL) SELECT command and an aggregator to query configuration state of AWS resources across multiple accounts and regions, performs the corresponding search, and returns resource configuration matching the properties.
SelectResourceConfigDenies the permission to accept a structured query language (SQL) SELECT command, performs the corresponding search, and returns resource configurations matching the properties.
DescribeDenies the permission to Describe resources
GetDenies the permission to Get resources.
ListDenies the permission to List resources.
Data PipelineWhat
DescribeObjectsDenies the permission to get the object definitions for a set of objects associated with the pipeline.
EvaluateExpressionDenies the permission to task runners to call EvaluateExpression, to evaluate a string in the context of the object.
QueryObjectsDenies the permission to query the specified pipeline for the names of the objects that match the specified set of conditions.
DAX (DynamoDB Accelerator)What
BatchGetItemDenies the permission to return the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables.
GetItemDenies the permission to the GetItem operation that returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key.
QueryDenies the permission to use the primary key of a table or a secondary index to directly access items from that table or index.
GetDenies all Get permissions in DeepComposer.
ListDenies all List permissions in DeepComposer.
Device FarmWhat
GetRemoteAccessSessionDenies the permission to retrieve the link to a currently running remote access session.
ListRemoteAccessSessionsDenies the permission to list the information of currently running remote access sessions.
Direct ConnectWhat
DescribeDenies all Describe permissions in Direct Connect.
ListDenies all List permissions in Direct Connect.
DescribeDenies all Describe permissions in Discovery.
GetDenies all Get permissions in Discovery.
ListDenies all List permissions in List.
DMS (Database Migration Service)What
DescribeDenies all DEscribe permissions in DMS.
ListDenies the permission to list all tags for AWS DMS resources.
DS (Directory Service)What
GetDenies all Get permission in Directory Service.
GetItemDenies permission to the GetItem operation that returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key.
BatchGetItemDenies permission to return the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables.
QueryDenies permission to use the primary key of a table or a secondary index to directly access items from that table or index.
ScanDenies the permission to return one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table or a secondary index.
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)What
GetConsoleScreenshotDenies the permission to retrieve a JPG-format screenshot of a running instance.
ECR (Elastic Container Registry)What
ecr:BatchGetImageDenies the permission to get detailed information for specified images within a specified repository.
ecr:GetAuthorizationTokenDenies the permission to retrieve a token that is valid for a specified registry for 12 hours.
ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayerDenies the permission to retrieve that download URL corresponding to an image layer.
ecr-public:GetAuthorizationTokenDenies the permission to retrieve a token that is valid for a specified registry for 12 hours.
EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)What
DescribeIdentityProviderConfigDenies the permission to retrieve descriptive information about an Idp config associated with a cluster.
Elastic BeanstalkWhat
DescribeConfigurationOptionsDenies the permission to retrieve descriptions of environment configuration options.
DescribeConfigurationSettingsDenies the permission to retrieve a description of the settings for a configuration set.
ES (OpenSearch Service)What
ESHttpGetDenies the permission to send HTTP GET request to the OpenSearch APIs.
FIS (Fault Injection Simulator)What
GetExperimentTemplateDenies the permission to retrieve an AWS FIS Experiment Template.
FMS (Firewall Manager)What
GetAdminAccountDenies the permission to retrieve the AWS Organization master account that is associated with AWS Firewall Manager as the AWS Firewall Manager administrator.
Fraud DetectorWhat
BatchGetVariableDenies the permission to get a batch of variables.
GetDenies all Get permission in Fraud Detector.
GetGameSessionLogUrlDenies the permission to retrieve the location of stored logs for a game session.
GetInstanceAccessDenies the permission to request remote access to a specified fleet instance.
GeoLocation (Location)What
ListDevicePositionsDenies the permission to retrieve a list of devices and their latest positions from the given tracker resource.
GetSecurityConfigurationDenies the permission to retrieve a security configuration.
SearchTablesDenies the permission to retrieve the tables in the catalog.
GetTableDenies all GetTable permission in Glue.
GetIPSetDenies the permission to retrieve GuardDuty IPSets
GetMasterAccountDenies the permission to retrieve details of the GuardDuty administrator account associated with a member account.
GetMembersDenies the permission to retrieve the member accounts associated with an administrator account.
ListMembersDenies the permission to retrieve a list of GuardDuty member accounts associated with an administrator account.
ListOrganizationAdminAccountsDenies the permission to list details about the organization delegated administrator for GuardDuty.
Inspector 2What
GetConfigurationDenies the permission to retrieve information about the Amazon Inspector configuration settings for an AWS account.
Image BuilderWhat
GetImageDenies the permission to get an EC2 image.
IoT RoboRunnerWhat
GetDenies all Get permission in IoT RoboRunner.
IoT SiteWiseWhat
ListAccessPoliciesDenies the permission to lit all access policies for an identity or a resource.
IVS (Interactive Video Service)What
GetPlaybackKeyPairDenies the permission to get the playback keypair information for a specified ARN.
GetStreamSessionDenies the permission to get information about the stream session on a specified channel.
Kafka (MSK)What
GetBootstrapBrokersDenies the permission to get connection details for the brokers in an MSK cluster.
QueryDenies the permission to query documents and faqs.
GetDenies all Get permission in Kinesis.
KMS (Key Management Service)What
DescribeKeyDenies the control to the permission to view detailed information about an AWS KMS key.
GetPublicKeyDenies the control to the permission to download the public key of an asymmetric AWS KMS Key.
GetDenies all Get permission in Lex.
GetFunctionConfigurationDenies the permission to view details about the version-specific settings of an AWS Lambda function or version.
License ManagerWhat
GetGrantDenies the permission to get a grant.
GetLicenseDenies the permission to get a license.
ListTokensDenies the permission to list tokens.
GetBucketAccessKeysDenies the permission to get the existing access key IDs for the specified Amazon Lightsail bucket.
GetCertificatesDenies the permission to view information about one or more Amazon Lightsail SSL/TLS certificates.
GetContainerImagesDenies the permission to view the container images that are registered to your Amazon Lightsail container service.
GetKeyPairDenies the permission to get information about a key pair.
GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreamsDenies the permission to get the log streams available for a relational database.
GetLogEventsDenies the permission to list log events from the specified log stream.
StartQueryDenies the permission to schedule a query of a log group using CloudWatch Logs Insights.
ML (Machine Learning)What
GetMLModelDenies the permission to return an MLModel that includes detailed metadata, and data source information as well as the current status of the MLModel.
GetAdministratorAccountDenies the permission to retrieve information about the Amazon Macie administrator account for an account.
GetMemberDenies the permission to retrieve information about an account that’s associated with an Amazon Macie administrator account.
GetMacieSessionDenies the permission to retrieve information about the status and configuration settings for an Amazon Macie account.
SearchResourcesDenies the permission to retrieve statistical data and other information about AWS resources that Amazon MAcie monitors and analyzes.
GetSensitiveDataOccurrencesDenies the permission to retrieve occurrences of sensitive data reported by a finding.
Mobile HubWhat
ExportProjectDenies the permission to export the project configuration.
Nimble StudioWhat
GetStreamingSessionDenies the permission to get a streaming session.
SynthesizeSpeechDenies the permission to synthesize speech.
GetEnvironmentTemplateDenies the permission to describe an environment template.
GetServiceTemplateDenies the permission to describe a service template.
ListServiceTemplatesDenies the permission to list service templates.
ListEnvironmentTemplatesDenies the permission to list environment templates.
QLDB (Quantum Ledger Database)What
GetBlockDenies the permission to retrieve a block from a ledger for a given BlockAddress.
GetDigestDenies the permission to retrieve a digest from a ledger from a given BlockAddress.
RDS (Relational Database Service)What
DownloadDenies all Download permission for RDS.
CompareFacesDenies the permission to compare faces in the source input images with each face detected in the target input image.
DetectDenies all Detect permissions in Rekognition.
SearchDenies all Search permission in Rekognition.
Resilience HubWhat
DescribeAppVersionTemplateDenies the permission to describe the application version template.
ListRecommendationTemplatesDenies the permission to list recommendation templates.
GetWorldTemplateBodyDenies the permission to get the body of a world template.
S3 (S3 Object Lambda)What
s3-object-lambda:GetObjectDenies the permission to retrieve objects from Amazon S3.
SearchDenies the permission to search for SageMaker objects.
Schemas (EventBridgeSchemas)What
GetDiscoveredSchemaDenies the permission to retrieve a schema for the provided list of sample events.
SDB (SimpleDB)What
GetDenies all Get permissions for SDB.
SelectDenies all Select permissions for SDB.
Secrets ManagerWhat
*Denies all permission in Secrets Manager.
Security HubWhat
GetFindingsDenies the permission to retrieve a list of findings from Security Hub.
GetMembersDenies the permission to retrieve the details of Security Hub member accounts.
ListMembersDenies the permission to retrieve details about Security Hub member accounts associated with the administrator account.
SES (SES v1, SES v2)What
GetTemplateDenies the permission to return the template object, which includes the subject line, HTML part, and text part for the template you specify.
GetEmailTemplateDenies the permission to return the template object, which includes the subject line, HTML part, and text part for the template you specify.
GetContactDenies the permission to return a contact from a contact list.
GetContactListDenies the permission to return contact list metadata.
ListTemplatesDenies the permission to list the email templates present in your account.
ListEmailTemplatesDenies the permission to list all of the email templates for your account.
ListVerifiedEmailAddressesDenies the permission to list all of the email addresses that have been verified.
GetSigningProfileDenies the permission to return information about a specific Signing Profile.
ListProfilePermissionsDenies the permission to list the cross-account permissions associated with a Signing Profile.
ListSigningProfilesDenies the permission to list all Signing Profiles in your account.
SMS (Pinpoint SMS Voice V2)What
sms-voice:DescribeKeywordsDenies the permission to describe the keywords for a pool or origination phone number.
sms-voice:DescribeOptedOutNumbersDenies the permission to describe the destination phone numbers in an opt-out list.
sms-voice:DescribePhoneNumbersDenies the permission to describe the origination phone numbers in your account.
sms-voice:DescribePoolsDenies the permission to describe the pools in your account.
DescribeDenies all Describe permission for Snowball.
SQS (Simple Queue Service)What
ReceiveDenies all Receive permission in SQS.
S SM (Systems Manager)What
ssm:DescribeParametersDenies the permission to view details about a specified SSM parameter.
ssm:GetParameterDenies all GetParameter permission in Systems Manager.
SSO (Single Sign-On)What
DescribeDenies all Describe permissions in SSO.
GetDenies all Get permissions in SSO.
ListDenies all List permissions in SSO.
Storage GatewayWhat
DescribeChapCredentialsDenies the permission to get an array of Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) credentials information for a specified iSCSI target, one for each target-initiator pair.
DescribeCommunicationsDenies the permission to return the communications and attachments for one or more AWS Support cases.
ListDatabasesDenies the permission to list databases in your account.
ListTablesDenies the permission to list tables in your account.
GetDenies all Get permission in Transcribe.
ListDenies all List permission in Transcribe.
DescribeDenies all Describe permission in Transfer.
ListDenies all List permission in Transfer.
WAF (WAF Regional)What
waf-regional:GetChangeTokenDenies the permission to retrieve a change token to use in create, update, and delete requests.
DescribeUserDenies the permission to read details for a user.
GetMailUserDetailsDenies the permission to get the details of the user’s mailbox and account.
ListUsersDenies the permission to list the organization’s users.

IAM policy for nOps Last Updated: 12/17/2022


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Deny"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::[INSERT CUR S3 BUCKET]",
"arn:aws:s3:::[INSERT CUR S3 BUCKET]/*"
"Effect": "Allow"