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The Scheduler Slackbot "How To" Guide


  • Access to nOps Scheduler

    Scheduler API doc:

    nOps Slack Integration Lambda code in Github:

  • nOps generated API key (we do not need to generate public and private keys for this SlackBot):

    • Log into the nOps console and from the Settings pane click the API Key option
    • Click on Let’s Generate Your API Key
    • You will see a confirmation dialog that contains your newly generated key.
    • Click the copy button on the right of the key, and save the key.You must download a copy of the key when it is generated as you will not be able to access it again.
  • Access to AWS account. It is advisable to have an admin access

Steps to create the Scheduler SlackBot:

  1. Login to nOps platform
  2. Go to Organization Settings > API Key > On the top right you will find a button “Generate New API Key” > Click to generate a new API Key and save it somewhere. We will need this later.
  3. Login to your AWS account Go to AWS Lambda > Create a aws chatbot that will integrate with the dedicated slack channel we setup to communicate with aws

Use the following Lambda code to create the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function:

    import boto3
import urllib3
import json
import os

# Define the base URL for the RESTful API
base_url = ''

# Define the function to make the POST request with access key
def post_request(endpoint_url, request_body, access_key):
# Set the API headers with the access key
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_key, "accept" : "application/json, text/plain, */*", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}
encoded_data = json.dumps(request_body).encode('utf-8')
http = urllib3.PoolManager()

# Send the POST request to the API endpoint with the request body as JSON and headers
response = http.request('POST', endpoint_url, body=encoded_data, headers=headers)

# Return the response from the API
return response

# Define the main Lambda function to handle incoming chatbot requests
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the input message and parse the arguments from the chatbot event
schedule_id = event['schedule_id']
schedule_action = event['schedule_action']

# Get the access key for the API call from the Lambda environment variables
access_key = os.environ['ACCESS_KEY']

# Define the endpoint URL for the API based on the argument that parameterizes a portion of the REST URI
endpoint_url = f"{base_url}/{schedule_id}/trigger?api_key={access_key}"

# Define the request body for the API call based on the remaining arguments
request_body = {
"action_name": f"{schedule_action}"

# Make the POST request to the API with the endpoint URL, request body, and access key
response = post_request(endpoint_url, request_body, access_key)

# Build the response message to send back to the chatbot user
response_message = f"The API response code: {response.status} (202 is success)"

# Return the response message to the chatbot user
return {
"response_type": "in_channel",
"text": response_message

IAM Permissions to be attached to the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function:

We need to set the ACCESS*KEY above in the Lambda configuration under *‘Environment Variables’_

  1. Once the chatbot is created, go to the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function channel and use the following command to invoke the Lambda function:
lambda invoke --payload {"schedule_id":"your_schedule_id", "schedule_action":"start"} --function-name invoke-scheduler --region us-west-2

Note: You can use the following link to know “How to create an aws chatbot using Lambda”: