The Scheduler Slackbot "How To" Guide
Access to nOps Scheduler
Scheduler API doc: Slack Integration Lambda code in Github: -
nOps generated API key (we do not need to generate public and private keys for this SlackBot):
- Log into the nOps console and from the Settings pane click the API Key option
- Click on Let’s Generate Your API Key
- You will see a confirmation dialog that contains your newly generated key.
- Click the copy button on the right of the key, and save the key.You must download a copy of the key when it is generated as you will not be able to access it again.
Access to AWS account. It is advisable to have an admin access
Steps to create the Scheduler SlackBot:
- Login to nOps platform
- Go to Organization Settings > API Key > On the top right you will find a button “Generate New API Key” > Click to generate a new API Key and save it somewhere. We will need this later.
- Login to your AWS account Go to AWS Lambda > Create a aws chatbot that will integrate with the dedicated slack channel we setup to communicate with aws
Use the following Lambda code to create the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function:
import boto3
import urllib3
import json
import os
# Define the base URL for the RESTful API
base_url = ''
# Define the function to make the POST request with access key
def post_request(endpoint_url, request_body, access_key):
# Set the API headers with the access key
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_key, "accept" : "application/json, text/plain, */*", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}
encoded_data = json.dumps(request_body).encode('utf-8')
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
# Send the POST request to the API endpoint with the request body as JSON and headers
response = http.request('POST', endpoint_url, body=encoded_data, headers=headers)
# Return the response from the API
return response
# Define the main Lambda function to handle incoming chatbot requests
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the input message and parse the arguments from the chatbot event
schedule_id = event['schedule_id']
schedule_action = event['schedule_action']
# Get the access key for the API call from the Lambda environment variables
access_key = os.environ['ACCESS_KEY']
# Define the endpoint URL for the API based on the argument that parameterizes a portion of the REST URI
endpoint_url = f"{base_url}/{schedule_id}/trigger?api_key={access_key}"
# Define the request body for the API call based on the remaining arguments
request_body = {
"action_name": f"{schedule_action}"
# Make the POST request to the API with the endpoint URL, request body, and access key
response = post_request(endpoint_url, request_body, access_key)
# Build the response message to send back to the chatbot user
response_message = f"The API response code: {response.status} (202 is success)"
# Return the response message to the chatbot user
return {
"response_type": "in_channel",
"text": response_message
IAM Permissions to be attached to the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function:
We need to set the ACCESS*KEY above in the Lambda configuration under *‘Environment Variables’_
- Once the chatbot is created, go to the Scheduler SlackBot Lambda Function channel and use the following command to invoke the Lambda function:
lambda invoke --payload {"schedule_id":"your_schedule_id", "schedule_action":"start"} --function-name invoke-scheduler --region us-west-2
Note: You can use the following link to know “How to create an aws chatbot using Lambda”: