Commitment Management Configuration
If you’re prefer to walk through configuring Commitment Management (CM) with nOps, please contact your nOps Sales representative.
If you’d prefer to configure on your own, please follow the steps outlined below.
- Access to the management account of the AWS Organization
- Ability to create and access a new email account or address (using an alias will work)
Create an email address
In order to enroll in Commitment Management, you will need to create one email address for this purpose under the company domain, such as If your email service uses aliasing, that will work too. We recommend in that situation.
Follow your internal process to get access to your nops-cm@ email account.
Add a new AWS account to the AWS Organization
Login to your AWS management/payer account and follow the steps.
- Navigate to the AWS Organization page.
- Click on Add an AWS account
- Add account information (we recommend Company nOps CM for the name) using the new email address and click Create AWS account
Configure the Payer roles
While the account creation processes, run the following CloudFormation stack
You will need to enter 2 variables.
Report name: | Bucket: |
company-cm | company-cm |
By now, you should receive confirmation the new account has been created.
Create a Password for the new AWS account
- Open
- Log in as a root user email
- Enter your (or email
- Click Next
- Click the Forgot password? link
- Reset your password
Configure the new linked account
After logging into the linked account, run the following CloudFormation stack
When this has completed and the stacks have run successfully, please contact nOps with the following information:
- Payer account number
- CM linked account number
- CM bucket name
And we can complete the configuration process on a short call.
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