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Adding users to nOps

One can subscribe to nOps from AWS Marketplace signup using this link.

The first user who signs up for nOps, by default, has the Admin rights for the nOps account.

This admin user can add additional users to the nOps account by following these steps below.

  1. Go to Settings from top-right user avatar drop-down.

  2. Click on the Team Members on the side bar.

  3. Click on Invite New Member to add additional team members.

  1. Type the team member’s email address which you want to invite to nOps.

  2. Select either “Member” or “Admin user” for the role.

  1. Click on Send Invite, and the message below will display.

The user whose email address is added will receive an invite from nOps.

The user can set up their account entering the details as per below screen

AWS Migration Assistance Program Tracker
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Tag Explorer to Manage Tag Competency
The nOps Data Explorer
Creating nOps Custom Rules
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View Under-Utilized Network Resources
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