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The first step is to authenticate to the nOps API. This article provides more detailed information on the API authentication process.

Next, we proceed to work with the API.

Essentials Storage Recommendations

GP2 to GP3 Recommendations

The following request provides you a summary about GP2 to GP3 Recommendations:

GET https://app.nops.io/svc/k8s_cost/recommendations/essentials/storage/gp2/summary/

This request can accept the following query parameters (all are optional):

  • project_id: Filter - comma separated list of nOps AWS Project IDs. Default: all projects.

The following request lists your GP2 to GP3 Recommendations:

GET https://app.nops.io/svc/k8s_cost/recommendations/essentials/storage/gp2/

This request can accept the following query parameters (all are optional):

  • page_number: Page number. Default: 1.
  • page_size: Page size. Default: 10.
  • sort_type: Either asc or desc - the result will be ordered by savings in corresponding way. Default: desc.
  • project_id: Filter - comma separated list of nOps AWS Project IDs. Default: all projects.

To migrate your resources to GP3, you need to send a request to the following endpoint:

POST https://app.nops.io/svc/notifications/scheduler/nops_scheduler

In the payload of the request, specify the following fields:

  • actions: an array with one object consisting of the following fields:
    • action: ebs_migration;
    • action_type: should be onetime for Storage;
    • day_of_week: an integer from 0 to 6 which represents day of the week (0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday and so on);
    • hour: an integer from 0 to 23;
    • minute: an integer from 0 to 59;
  • resources: an array with Storage Resources consisting of the following fields:
    • item_type: ebs;
    • resource_id: AWS EBS resource ID;
    • resource_name (optional): AWS EBS resource name or ID;
    • resource_arn: AWS resource ARN;
    • region: AWS region;
    • resource_details: empty object;
    • price_per_unit: current resource price per hour;
  • project: nOps project ID;
  • account_number: AWS Account ID;
  • eventbridge_configuration: AWS EventBridge Configuration ID for nOps;
  • scheduler_for: should be essentials__storage for Storage;
  • description: Description;

Here is an example of a payload:

{ "project": "11111", "account_number": "123123123123", "eventbridge_configuration": "4288edde-fe34-4d6f-b5cb-e7ca9ce823ed", "scheduler_for": "essentials__storage", "description": "Migrate my resources!", "resources": [ { "item_type": "ebs", "resource_id": "vol-0000000000000000", "resource_name": "My-Test-Volume-1", "resource_arn": "vol-0000000000000000", "region": "us-west-2", "resource_details": {}, "price_per_unit": 100 }, { "item_type": "ebs", "resource_id": "vol-0000000000000001", "resource_name": "My-Test-Volume-2", "resource_arn": "vol-0000000000000001", "region": "us-west-1", "resource_details": {}, "price_per_unit": 100 } ], "actions": [ { "action": "ebs_migration", "action_type": "onetime", "day_of_week": 4, "hour": 19, "minute": 15 } ] }

Snapshot Recommendations

The following request provides you a summary about Snapshot Recommendations:

GET https://app.nops.io/svc/k8s_cost/recommendations/essentials/storage/snapshots/summary/

This request can accept the following query parameters (all are optional):

  • project_id: Filter - comma separated list of nOps AWS Project IDs. Default: all projects.

The following request lists your Snapshot Recommendations:

GET https://app.nops.io/svc/k8s_cost/recommendations/essentials/storage/snapshots/

This request can accept the following query parameters (all are optional):

  • page_number: Page number. Default: 1.
  • page_size: Page size. Default: 10.
  • sort_type: Either asc or desc - the result will be ordered by savings in corresponding way. Default: desc.
  • project_id: Filter - comma separated list of nOps AWS Project IDs. Default: all projects.

To archive your snapshots, you need to send a request to the following endpoint:

POST https://app.nops.io/svc/notifications/scheduler/nops_scheduler

In the payload of the request, specify the following fields:

  • actions: an array with one object consisting of the following fields:
    • action: archive_snapshot;
    • action_type: should be onetime for Storage;
    • day_of_week: an integer from 0 to 6 which represents day of the week (0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday and so on);
    • hour: an integer from 0 to 23;
    • minute: an integer from 0 to 59;
  • resources: an array with Storage Resources consisting of the following fields:
    • item_type: snapshot;
    • resource_id: AWS EBS Snapshot resource ID;
    • resource_name (optional): AWS EBS Snapshot resource name or ID;
    • resource_arn: AWS resource ARN;
    • region: AWS region;
    • resource_details: empty object;
    • price_per_unit: current resource price per hour;
  • project: nOps project ID;
  • account_number: AWS Account ID;
  • eventbridge_configuration: AWS EventBridge Configuration ID for nOps;
  • scheduler_for: should be essentials__storage for Storage;
  • description: Description;

Here is an example of a payload:

{ "project": "11111", "account_number": "123123123123", "eventbridge_configuration": "4288edde-fe34-4d6f-b5cb-e7ca9ce823ed", "scheduler_for": "essentials__storage", "description": "Archive my snapshots!", "resources": [ { "item_type": "snapshot", "resource_id": "snap-0000000000000000", "resource_name": "My-Test-Snapshot-1", "resource_arn": "snap-0000000000000000", "region": "us-west-2", "resource_details": {}, "price_per_unit": 100 }, { "item_type": "snapshot", "resource_id": "snap-0000000000000001", "resource_name": "My-Test-Snapshot-2", "resource_arn": "snap-0000000000000001", "region": "us-west-1", "resource_details": {}, "price_per_unit": 100 } ], "actions": [ { "action": "archive_snapshot", "action_type": "onetime", "day_of_week": 4, "hour": 19, "minute": 15 } ] }

Getting your scheduled or triggered actions

You can fetch details about all your scheduled or triggered actions with the following:

GET https://app.nops.io/svc/notifications/scheduler/nops_scheduler

This request requires the following query parameters:

  • api_key: Your nOps API key.
  • scheduler_for: With essentials__storage value it means you want to get Storage only.
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